03-15-2024, 07:03 PM
Yes sir Jim is correct, today is the first and last day of the contests... So theoretically if you catch one today you can enter it in both the ice challenge and the summer challenge, if you catch it through the ice anyway.... Last day for the ice challenge and first day for summer challenge, it is one contest from now till October 31, no two part contest this summer... Didn't work the way we had hoped, so we'll have a long challenge along side of the catfish contest, which you can enter your catfish in both contests... No limitation of one or the other.... Which if you find a catfish through the ice today, you can enter it in all three contests, however, I don't think there is any ice on catfish waters so it probably won't happen... Anyway hope everyone will enjoy the fun... Later Jeff
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!