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Lithium Batteries / charger for Boat
(12-07-2023, 08:38 PM)SkunkedAgain Wrote: Thanks Curt, I'll have to look at it again, I don't remember the N, but it's probably there... I only had about 4-5 buttons that I could figure out what they did, so got a lot of learning to do... When I got the motor, I looked up and read the directions and thought it would be easy to figure out when I got it going... Welp either I forgot or it wasn't as intuitive as i thought... I know each zone applies to a different function, but I  couldn't remember which was which... Will be nice once I understand what I'm telling it to do, but yesterday we were speaking different languages...  Later Jeff

It really helps if you go out with someone that has the same remote control as you do. Ira had one before I did, so he told me how it should work but there are several different controls. When you get a chance, take a pic of your remote control and post it, that will make it easier for us to point out what you need to do.

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RE: Lithium Batteries / charger for Boat - by wiperhunter2 - 12-07-2023, 08:54 PM

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