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New Fall Contests Begins July 1 See details
Hey guys Jim and I have been discussing how to do the Fall portion of the contest and thanks for his offer to help we are going to have a two headed contest come July 1.  We will have the second round of the challenge, it will be the fall challenge and it will be basically the same as the spring challenge, with just a new reset of the scores.  We decided we would allow all the spring sign up's to roll over into the fall contest so everyone won't need to re enter to be taking part.  We will have a new placard available soon.  

Then there is the second head to the new contest, Jim will cover this one for the forum.  This contest will be the same as the old catfish contest, best 3 fish score.  We decided that we will take everyone's biggest catfish from the spring challenge and roll it into the new catfish contest.  Sorry I know some of you had a couple over 29 and 30, but we'll only take your largest fish to roll over into this new contest.  This was to help out some of the areas that get good spring cats and have a tougher run later in the year.  

Okay since you are signed up for spring you will also be considered signed up for both heads of the fall contest, so you can choose whether you will participate in the challenge, the cat contest or both.  That will depend on what you want to do.  We will have two different posts for the contest entries and if you have a cat that you want to enter in both contests you will need to enter it in both your fall challenge post and your cat contest 2023 post.  Sorry a little more work for you, but will make our job much easier with less chance of missing your entry.  I've probably missed a lot of stuff, but wanted to get you the info as soon as we can, so you will know what to plan on if you want to join the contest... Oh new sign ups are still open whenever you want to join just let us know with a reply to the sign up post on the contest page. (I'll get it retitled)

PS... We are finding there isn't a ton of interest in prizes, so we most likely won't go nuts on prizes, but we'll try to have a few along the way... Later Jeff
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!

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New Fall Contests Begins July 1 See details - by SkunkedAgain - 06-27-2023, 08:11 PM

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