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Provo Delta versus High Spring Runoff
(04-24-2023, 07:22 PM)FishfulThinkin Wrote: "There are lots of strange spawning rituals in the fishy world.  A lot in the human world too.  But that is another issue."

Thanks for the laugh! Have you every thought of writing humor? You could give Pat McManus a run for his money.
Thanks fer the kindly comments.  Mr. McManus (and my namesake) have long been one of my personal faves.  But I have my own sense of humor (better than no sense at all).  I have produced a plethora of pages of written drivel over my working career, but never tried to sell any of my stuff.  I have a bunch of verse and short stories I have put together...mostly for family members.  And I also started a never-finished book of "Famous Quotations Nobody's Ever Heard Before".  Examples:  "Never smell a gift horse's breath"..."People who live in glass houses shouldn't do ANYTHING."...and "When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you never works."

I discovered a long time ago it is better to laugh than to cry...and to try to find the humor in even the most serious situations.

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RE: Provo Delta versus High Spring Runoff - by TubeDude - 04-24-2023, 08:04 PM

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