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Willard Ramp Question North Marina
(04-18-2023, 07:38 PM)oldguy Wrote: I watched the north and south marina all winter and from what I seen nothing done at the north marina to help that problem. I seen someone pull the stuff from the south marina (the concrete post base). Everytime a dwr officer was there I asked him why they were doing nothing  when the lake was so low it anyways comes down to the almighty  buck.

Thats the ramp I usually use. I asked one of the so called Park Rangers last year why they didn't  let boaters know to stay in the middle, half the time the cones were not in the right locations......his answer...we have signs that say beware of low water. He had just checked a larger boat at the decontamination station there then the boat came over to the ramp and started backing down the far West side of the ramp I was just pulling my boat up the ramp when I noticed they were backing down that side of the ramp, I stopped my truck and jumped out and went over and told them not to use that side that they would most likely hit bottom. They were older couples just going out for a ride, they thanked me pulled up and launched in the middle. Thats when I went over and talked to the ranger and asked why he didn't inform them to launch in the middle. I have not been impressed with any of them at the North Marina. Last year there were several large rocks under water on the side that i'm sure tore up some trailers or boats.

(04-18-2023, 06:41 PM)SkunkedAgain Wrote: Hey I was just there yesterday and didn't check, but I was wondering if the water is up enough that you can launch a boat from any of the lanes on the ramp?  I know when the water was low there was a big drop off the ends of the east and west lanes and only the center went all the way down.  But I didn't see any cones warning about either side and I did notice the water is up about 10 feet from January, so I'm assuming the ramp is safe to launch, but I still launched from the middle just to be safe.. Anyone know how much room we have in each lane to launch our boats?  Did they happen to put couple loads of rock at the ends of those ramps to save our trailers wheels just in case?  Just wondering if anyone knows... Thanks Jeff

Nice meeting you today Jeff, great putting a face to a BFT name. PACKFAN (PETE)

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RE: Willard Ramp Question North Marina - by PACKFAN - 04-20-2023, 12:04 AM
RE: Willard Ramp Question North Marina - by dubob - 04-19-2023, 01:35 PM

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