09-27-2022, 01:04 PM
I grew up on the banks of Cutler reservoir and the Bear River, so as young as i can remember I was always fishing, no wonder it's been a lifetime addition... I can remember as a young kid hitting LowCost Drug store the day before the fishing opener and buying as much tackle as I could afford, which wasn't much, but I'd get a tin tackle box and a few black and white and red and white dare devils and maybe a flatfish... Those were good times getting ready for the opening day that used to be almost more important than Christmas.... the deer hunt used to be that way when I was a kid too.... Sad it's nothing like that anymore... My deer hunt opens tomorrow and I guess I'm not going this year...
times... Not really, just other priorities and I hope to go fish instead.... Anyway my Dad always had a fishing pole in the gun rack in the truck so when ever we could do it, we'd cast out... I remember fishing on the river bank while dad would get the pumps fueled and primed, was the best part of moving sprinklers for sure... Caught some of my best channel cats while we were getting the pump going... Not sure how fast we were at getting that job done, but made for great summers... Learned to fly fish in my early teens with a K-mart fly rod, man that was a piece of crap, but it was good enough to give me the bug and when I got 76 brookies one day at Scout camp I was really hooked... Especially since I only caught one in ten of the hits.... That was a great spot on the creek below Spirit Lake..., i was using a fly pattern I made up myself after taking a mini course in junior high where they taught me to tie flies rather than figure out my pronoun.... Also took my hunters safety class as part of those mini courses and used to get off the bus at the north end of Smithfield, run to the Implement, buy a box of shotgun shells and catch the bus coming back from the high school at the post office and catch a ride home... Sad we don't live in those times anymore... Yup those old Super X 20 gauge shells were great, I think I reloaded them over 20 times each.... Lucky I didn't blow my head off when I started putting spent primers and pieces of nails in the shells to get more reach out of my reloads... think I was running low on shot too, so tried to make it go further... didn't know at the time, that the shot was better to hold a pattern... Anyway hit my power sports mode in college ages and even then I still had my annual Henry's fork trip and summer backpack trips where fishing ruled... After I got married and got broke again, I returned to fishing as my main pass time, and discovered Steelhead and that first one totally ruined me for the rest of my life and set the addiction so strong it will never be broken... What a great fish, and after that I discovered the Wind Rivers and Alaska and I've sure been spoiled over the years to have had some wonderful trips and caught a lot of fun fish... Now the ice camping has added a whole new dimension to winter fun, it's really fun to fish all night as you camp out in a cozy bed watching the fish come in on the finders... Just so much fun to be had while chasing fish... and since you can let them go it's even better than hunting because you don't hurt the population... Well maybe sore lip them, but I hope they get over that... Hope I don't find out in the next life that the fish will be my judge and condemn me due to pain inflicted... Anyway starting to sound like I'm an old fart... guess I'm getting there... Later J

When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!