(08-29-2022, 07:49 PM)SkunkedAgain Wrote: Richard, that title really had me worried, glad it was only the biggest fish of the season that was lost and not something far worse... Glad you guys are still on the monsters... You two sure have the touch, congrats and condolences and by the way you guys know you got the big one, so that's the important part, I'd give you credit if I could on the contest... That would have put Vi at 92 in first place.... (Now not to sew contention, but that fish would have put Vi ahead of you by a point.. But I'm sure you didn't throw it back in while she was getting the camera...) Sorry guys, but congrats you still had the fun... Later Jeff
she made it quite clear that it would have put her a full point ahead of me. She also reminded me, all the way home, that it was just a fish and I should not let it bother me.
(08-29-2022, 08:14 PM)Tin-Can Wrote: Richard, that post title gave my heart a bit of a jump yesterday. Then after reading the whole thing, I had to chuckle. Then I thought, Jeez, I hope Vi didn't push him out of the boat, or make him walk home, or maybe both. .
Violet is is very understanding. I think the reason she didn't push me out of the boat is that she needs me to back the trailer so she can load the boat. I have offered several times for her to back the trailer but she has a hard time seeing it. She does the rest though.