07-28-2022, 12:18 PM
(07-27-2022, 04:19 PM)gaardvark Wrote: I agree that seeing the kids get the fish is almost as much fun as catching them yourself. And I'd feel like a heel if I reeled them in and the kids got nothing. When my boy tries to tease me about outfishing me, I simply explain I "taught him and brought him", so his fish are our fish. He's 18 and outfishes me about 50% of the time so he understands I'm not trying to diminish his accomplishments, just taking pride in his success.
You got it right. I always took my kids fishing with me when I could. And when I had the younguns I always made the trip about THEM...not about MY fishing pleasure. And today, whenever we get together...along with grandkids...they always have rememberies of our fishing trips.
It makes my blood boil whenever I am quietly tubing and enjoying the wonders of nature...and then hear some loudmouth "father" screaming at his kids for tangling lines, losing a fish or some other stupid thing. You just gotta know that those kids are forming a negative opinion of fishing in general.