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Starcraft Boat Livewell Questions?
(07-06-2022, 07:42 PM)GrandpaD 2020 Wrote: The Stern Livewell on my Starcraft Superfisherman boat has a 3 way toggle switch.
Turn it up and water fills the well. The middle position is Off.
What is the switch supposed to do when it is in the down position?

When I select the down position, nothing seams to happen.
The livewell is the type that you have a plug/tube that you place in the drain hole to fill and hold water. 
At the top of the approximately 6" tall plug/tube, there is an overfill that releases water to keep from overfilling the well.

Could it be that I only need a 2 way switch and that the down position just doesn't do anything?

Dale, we talked about this issue the last time you ask this question. At the time we said it was likely a switch that when you have it in that position it would turn on and off every 5 or 10 minutes to allow fresh water to come in ever so often, to oxygenate the water.

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RE: Starcraft Boat Livewell Questions? - by wiperhunter2 - 07-06-2022, 10:47 PM

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