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In my travels of piscatrorial pursuits and powders
hit the berry musta been as couple weeks ago
[Image: 20220605_184633(1).jpg?width=1920&]
exercised a few slot cutts
[Image: PXL_20220605_141141069.jpg?width=1920&]
[Image: 20220605_184421(1).jpg?width=1920&]
dog was not impressed
[Image: 20220605_184202(1).jpg?width=1920&]
lot of fish podded up in the shallows
better fishin when the winds cranked up
tough catchin day
[Image: PXL_20220605_143246077(1).jpg?]
dog got exercised
[Image: PXL_20220605_193106007.jpg?width=1920&]
new 4 piece stick became 5
all part of the game
"I have found I have had my reward
In the doing of the thing" Halden Buzz Holmstrom

Messages In This Thread
RE: In my travels of piscatrorial pursuits and powders - by fishskibum - 06-22-2022, 04:43 PM

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