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Willard still producing
ira and I got up to Willard this morning and fished with Reelfast from 8am to 2pm. Water temp started off at 67 degrees and got up to 70 before we got off the water. We trolling the same area we have been fishing for weeks now and picked up our first eye in 15 min.  Overall it was pretty slow we were picking up an eye every 30 min or so, then we finally got a double. My killer Apex lure still produced about half our fish today, picking up 5 eyes and one small wiper. Around noon the action really slowed down, when we had 8 eyes in the livewell, so we moved toward the West dike. It took a few min once we got there but we ended up with 4 more eyes. Chartreuse lures were the hot color today, trolled between 1.5 and 2.3 mph, we occasionally went up to 2.6 but caught few if any at that speed. At least 7 eyes and one wiper were caught on lead core line today, fishing lures just off the bottom the rest were caught about about 7 to 9 ft down, they were mostly in the lower water column. Talked to 2knots out there, they were catching fish too. I never saw TubeDude but I'm pretty sure I saw his SUV at the South marina parking area. Also meet Farm boat at the cleaning station, good meeting you. All eyes were 14 to 19" today. Thanks for the invite today Dan.

Messages In This Thread
Willard still producing - by wiperhunter2 - 06-09-2022, 04:20 AM
RE: Willard still producing - by 2knots - 06-09-2022, 12:25 PM
RE: Willard still producing - by TubeDude - 06-09-2022, 01:15 PM
RE: Willard still producing - by wiperhunter2 - 06-09-2022, 04:38 PM

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