You’ve done poked a hornets nest. This is the Classic Chevy, Ford, Dodge. Opinions are like…you know the saying. I can tell you what works for me and why. I fish big water (Bear Lake/Flaming Gorge/Powell) and usually at bad weather times of the year. For those waters I prefer a deep V, over 17’ with a kicker and electric on the bow. That set up meets all my needs. I just replaced my 1650 Crestliner Superhawk with a 1950 Superhawk. I’m a big fan of welded boats over riveted- but that’s another poop storm you may be better off not starting. In this style boat Crestliner and Lund lead the way- most others seem to be the next level down (smokercraft, Tracker, alumaweld/craft). I settled in on another Crestliner because of the hull, layout and resale value. My 1650 sold for the same that I paid for it 19 years earlier. On my 1650 I had a 90hp which was max hp. I always felt underpowered and undersized. My 1950 has a 200 hp Merc XL and flat out flies. I can get close to 50 mph which is plenty for me. It could have a 225 as max hp, but I’m not sure I need more. The 200 eats enough gas as it is. So I’m not sure on the “max out your hp theory”, other than I’ve never heard anybody say they have too much hp. My advise is get as big of boat with as big of motor as you can afford and as soon as possible. Owning a fishing boat is the best decision I’ve made.
Rocky, you may have deserved the return fire for the sarcastic, shot across the bow “Utah ocean” comment. Although funny, you gotta be able to take it if your willing to dish it.
Rocky, you may have deserved the return fire for the sarcastic, shot across the bow “Utah ocean” comment. Although funny, you gotta be able to take it if your willing to dish it.