01-31-2022, 07:08 PM
Thanks Scott, I seen that on Saturday, but I thought those guys on the ice were pure crazy, but then again we only checked the ice at the marina and cisco beach and like you mentioned maybe an inch on Saturday, but I guess with the cold maybe by mid week it might be thick enough for a chicken like me to start thinking about it... I know it never lasts long, so I'm planning on burning some leave when I think it will hold tubby me... Looking forward to your updates.... Have to give a shoutout to Bryton and Mike for saving me from hauling my boat over on Saturday... Thanks you guys for letting me know it was iced up... I'm so excited to finally have ice on the lake again, my last day on Bear Lake ice was one of my best ice fishing days in years... So hoping to try it again one more time... Thanks Jeff
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!