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Uintas Ice Fishing - First Time HELP!
See my Trial Lake 11/26/2021 post. Last Friday Trial was on fire, where Mirror Lake was reportedly slower. I have seen reliable reports of people fishing Trial, Lost, Moosehorn, Mirror, Pass, and Butterfly lakes. Mirror Lake highway is open, side road to Trial is snowpacked and icy in spots. Hear that road down into Mirror Lake is a trap - may be hard to get back out.

Likely have 4-7 inches of ice on those lakes mentioned, but use caution as thicknesses vary. Use a spud bar or follow someone else's trail.

At Trial I caught fish both shallow and off the bottom. Any small jig tipped with any kind of worm will likely be successful. I went through all of the wax worms and meal worms I had last Friday, and most of my nightcrawlers. You just need a small piece of nightcrawler, and I was even pulling my meal worms in half and putting a piece on with chartreuse crappie nibble (powerbait). Fish were hungry and aggressive. Hope they are still that way for you. Good luck and be safe!

jack of all tackle, master of none

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RE: Uintas Ice Fishing - First Time HELP! - by joatmon - 12-02-2021, 10:29 PM

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