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Pineview drive by and related info
(09-20-2021, 02:33 AM)Gone Forever Wrote: We can all write our congress people and senators to let them know we are not happy having access cut off by a private company from lands that are property of the public.
Absolutely need to write your FEDERAL representatives in Washington.  Primary Representative would be Blake Moore as Pineview resides in his district.  And of course, both Senators Mike Lee & Mitt Romney.  Writing to Representatives Stewert, Curtis, & Owens wouldn't hurt either, but Pineview isn't in their district.  But here's the thing about Utah Recreation (the private company); they only MANAGE the property during their contract period which begins in May(?) and ends in September.  Once they close up shop for the season, then the area is controlled 100% by the Park Manager (a Federal USFS employee) whose office is in Ogden, UT.  Blaming a private company for the loss of access to Pineview during the off season is pointless.  The blame for loss of access rides 100% on the shoulders of said Park Manager.  But before you go postal on him, try walking in his shoes.  I've talked with him on the phone, and he has valid reasons for his actions.  The enemy is us - John Q Public.  Some of us can't play nice and respect that which is collectively ours - Federal venues.  The vandalism and destruction of property is real.  And the Park Manager has to deal with tight budgets and being understaffed in the off season.  Your letters to your Representative/Senators might be better received if you address both sides of the issue (yours & the Park Managers) and offer some solutions to make it work for both sides.
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."

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RE: Pineview drive by and related info - by dubob - 09-20-2021, 01:16 PM

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