Ever try a Bream Buster? Basically a modern take on a cane pole. Usually telescoping long lite rod no guides. You tie a 4 to 6 foot length of leader then whatever lure or bait to it . Then just reach out and dip it into the pockets where the fish are holding. It is very stealthy so you don’t spook them and can stay pretty far away with the length of the rod. I think mine is about 12 feet long. They make longer ones even. Used it for many years at pelican and caught tons of bluegills that way. You can reach out over weeds and fish very small pockets without spooking fish, you could not very easily fish those spots with conventional gear. I caught a bass on it at Pelican that’s was about 4 pounds once, I thought for sure it would break it but it handled it. Mine are made by Lews and Zebco, Sportsmans Warehouse might sell them or you could find online they are a blast to use and very effective. They used to be pretty cheap not sure about now.
Mildog out
Mildog out
time spent fishing isn't deducted from ones life