01-11-2021, 04:30 AM
Me and a buddy have been working on a home-made snowdog, and finally got to a point we were confident in taking out into the wild for the first time. Due to some bad Oysters the co-creator was unable to join me for the maiden voyage. I arrived at the ladders a full 2 hours behind my planned schedule, but I was finally out for my first trip of the season. Got the sleds hooked up to the Snowcomotive, as I like to call it, and headed for Sage Hen Knoll. The machine did well and got me there without any problems. Drilled my first holes in 30 FOW and caught two Rainbows as soon as the marabou hit 10' then nothing. Moved around a few times trying different depths but it was hard to locate the fish, even harder to get them to bite. I was able to ice two Cutts around 1pm and called it quits 30 minutes later. Now time to make a few adjustments on the machine before the next trip.