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Good Day at Utah Lake 6 19 2020 w/Video
Great Video, I'm sure that you know that the difference between catching and just fishing are the small details, that many of us take for granite, including an explanation of those details in your videos would be really helpful to many anglers. Some that you may consider talking about in your intro would be how you prepare and hook your bait, what your doing and how you rig the balloon, boat control speed depth, why you choose to fish particular area under different conditions. You don't need to cover all of these topics in every video but instead choose one or two topics to have as a theme for your video in the title of your videos so people who are looking for that specific information can find it in a search.

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RE: Good Day at Utah Lake 6 19 2020 w/Video - by obifishkenobi - 06-24-2020, 03:18 PM

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