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Strawberry yesterday
Went out on Strawberry yesterday.  Good fishing -- trolling for Cutthroats.  In my memory (6 years in Utah), it seems like Strawberry was the best it has ever been last year and is on pace to be very good this year as well.  The average fish was 15 inches, and the best was about 20.

I'm trying to learn to troll for Kokanee.  However even when I got set up for salmon, we still just caught trout.  I grew up in AZ bass fishing and in Idaho fly fishing rivers, so it is disorienting to me to fish open water.  My goal is to figure out how to catch a salmon this year.  I don't have downriggers, so am trying to do it with three way rigs.  I appreciate everyone's helpful posts here with information, so I feel like I have some good leads.  

I then stopped by the Strawberry River below the dam. Last week I picked up an nice brown there on a baetis emerger without trying too hard. This week my minimal effort yielded nothing but a few refusals.  I tried for a few minutes to upload the picture of last week's fish, but I've given up.  Next time.

Since this is descending into a post about everything, one more note: I stopped of at the Provo River just above the lake and found the white bass were still there in droves.  I feel they're a bit later this year than before, especially for such density and numbers.  Maybe a few cool days earlier in the month has pushed the spawning period back a bit?

Messages In This Thread
Strawberry yesterday - by _6x_ - 05-23-2020, 11:43 PM
RE: Strawberry yesterday - by elkantlers - 05-24-2020, 12:38 AM
RE: Strawberry yesterday - by dubob - 05-24-2020, 12:34 PM
RE: Strawberry yesterday - by jjannie - 05-24-2020, 03:33 PM
RE: Strawberry yesterday - by liketrolling - 05-24-2020, 08:50 PM

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