05-12-2020, 07:58 PM
Doesn't surprise me a bit to have someone who thinks the DWR is somehow at fault or they are so incompetant. I'm not a biologist and I don't work for the DWR, but I was on the rotenone porject that day. We waited for about as good of conditions as could be hoped for -- low water, cool water and fortuneately we had a nice steady wind from West to East. We marked out quadrants for each crew and boat and covered that lake so thoroughly it was unreal. With the wind, the lake mixed the rotenone perfectly. We had crews applying rotenone as far back in tothe bulrushes as humanly possible. They rotenoned the inlet. Unfortunately nature finds a way to survive dispite our best efforts to overcome it. The water wasn't completely out of the bulrushes and there are a few other places that can't be easily reached. Nobody on that crew that day can be blamed for a screwup and not a soul who didn't show up can accurately judge and impune the efforts of those who were there!!! We're all disappointed to find carp in there again, but they're there so we move on with new ideas and efforts. I can say this, that the bass and bluegill are growing and reproducing very well so hopefully they stay ahead of the carp.