04-22-2020, 05:04 PM
(04-22-2020, 12:55 AM)kentofnsl Wrote: Wasatch County is sort-of open again to non-residents.The order has been amended. The prevous order had the following directive on the first summary page, 7th bullet point: "Recreational Visitors may not come and recreate in Wasatch County including for ourdoor recreation and camping." That language has now been removed from the order. Additionally section 14 previously stated the following: "Visitors to Wasatch County are directed to return home immediatly upon issuance of this order" That language has also been removed from the new version of the order. However visitors are "discouraged" from coming to the county to recreate and must maintain proper social distancing and must only be with members of their immediate household and several other requirements. I agree that it might technically be legal now to go there even though it is discouraged. Just my $.02