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What is going to happen next + FG pictures
the lure that catchs the most lakers for us dives 15 feet we have a set back of 100 feet and keep the ball 15 feet of the bottom
most of the time we only run two poles that way
the other two we keep the lures close to the ball and go up and down with them. you need 3 guys  to run the downriggers
the one you can see here is a new one that I just bought.  you can see it under the ball it does not dive but it weighs 6 oz. and 8" long
I think it is going to be a good one I did catch a laker on it that day.
with the Livescope you can see the lakers swim to the lure.  the bad thing is at 100 feet it is hard to see.

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RE: What is going to happen next + FG pictures - by liketrolling - 04-06-2020, 06:17 AM

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