04-03-2020, 10:41 PM
(04-03-2020, 06:41 PM)RockyRaab2 Wrote: Just got back from the golf course (The Barn in Pleasant View) and it was so packed that I was only permitted to play the back nine. Still, it was a glorious 90 minutes of fresh air, sun, and exercise.
Oh, just to keep it kinda sorta like fishing, I did make one "cast" into the water. LOL!
I occasionally work across the street from the Glendale course in, Salt Lake City. It has been packed everyday- allllll day. The mayor's of Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County want stricter and stricter restrictions, including making it a class B misdemeanor if you violate their orders. Yet, their courses are packed and open to everyone, from any county.