(04-01-2020, 01:30 PM)wiperhunter2 Wrote:Quote:Can I ask where you found out that Weber County residents can fish Willard?
When I drove into the South marina yesterday, there was a sign by the pay station, that said only residents from Weber and Box Elder counties were allowed, then I also talked to the Willard state park manager and he told me the same thing.
If that is true, and I hope it is, I would sure like to see that information posted somewhere online by the state / county. Not that I disbelieve you, but state park managers and rangers have been known to pass out information that turns out to be wrong or something lost in the telling between their bosses and the public.
(04-01-2020, 02:14 PM)RockyRaab2 Wrote: It wouldn't surprise me that they have different rules for the South versus North marinas. That's because the South Marina borders the county line whereas the North one does not.
Now that could be very possible. Would b e nice to get a DNR official to weigh in on this.
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
Or so it says on my license plate holder
Or so it says on my license plate holder