01-23-2020, 04:57 PM
You know it's funny, back before the show aired I was looking up Chief Justin Brown and Mantua and found that they had the town council meeting minutes available online. Today, those same meeting minutes have been taken down.
There used to be meeting minutes regarding giving a watch to a deputy at that location but now it's gone...along with every other meeting minutes document they had up.
What a thoroughly dirty place.
Edit: Oh hey, here's a cached version on Google. If you search "mantua town council minutes" and then click the little arrow next to the link and click cached, it will give you the cached version of the page.
There used to be meeting minutes regarding giving a watch to a deputy at that location but now it's gone...along with every other meeting minutes document they had up.
What a thoroughly dirty place.
Edit: Oh hey, here's a cached version on Google. If you search "mantua town council minutes" and then click the little arrow next to the link and click cached, it will give you the cached version of the page.