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Willard perch search 11-5-19
[quote MrShane]They will readily accept an arrow.
Much harder to draw back in a tube...[/quote]
[#0000FF]Right ye be...on both counts. Howsomever, since carp seem to fear not a float tube, they are very easy to approach...and sometimes swim right up and bump my tube. And when I wear black fins they actually roll on those fins...carp-raped fins?[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]I have tried shooting a bow from a tube. Tough, but doable with the right angles. Even better with your crossbow.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Several years ago I rigged up a powerful slingshot with a shaped wire crossbar for shooting arrows. Even had a line spool on the bottom. Tried to find pics of it but they are lost to time. It was made of PVC (what else) and had two strips of surgical tubing on each side. I proved to myself (and a few carp) that it had plenty of power and was a carp killer. Got rid of it and my bows when my rotator cuff in my left shoulder began reminding me to act my age. [/#0000FF]

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Willard perch search 11-5-19 - by TubeDude - 11-05-2019, 09:38 PM
Re: [MrShane] Willard perch search 11-5-19 - by TubeDude - 11-06-2019, 03:35 PM

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