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Middle Provo
This isn't much of an idea, but I've had this exact experience and I like to try switching around where my fly is in the water column. I try a barr's emeger -- sometimes behind my PMD dry. I also have taken to tying PMD emergers with a small piece of foam, to hold the hook just in the film. The emerger will otherwise sometimes slip blow the film and, I think, often below the fish. I also tie a version with ice dubbing. Sometimes I think the emerger has a little sparkle to it, so I sometimes think that makes a difference.

The real thing I do though is wait for dusk. I've had those refusals turn into strikes in the last few minutes before dark many times. I was on the middle provo over labor day, and I was frustrated till almost dusk.

Messages In This Thread
Middle Provo - by sagedave - 09-12-2019, 07:24 PM
Re: [sagedave] Middle Provo - by _6x_ - 09-13-2019, 03:06 PM
Re: [sagedave] Middle Provo - by ru22dizzle - 09-15-2019, 04:23 AM
Re: [ru22dizzle] Middle Provo - by richyd4u - 09-16-2019, 07:46 PM

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