09-03-2019, 09:38 PM
[quoteand then had the driver back the trailer up a little further and then finish getting the boat on the trailer. ][/quote]
Yep, that works too. Except when there isn't another driver to back the truck up.
I fish about 75% of the time by myself. So I put the trailer in the water to the point I can see the side guides about 10-12 inches out of the water. That keeps boat from floating over the guides, allows me to put the bow right in the bow roller, with enough forward hull on the trailer bunks to keep me from floating backwards while I get the bow strap hooked and cranked tight.
Because my motor is a small tiller outboard, I unhook the fuel connection, and let the motor run until it runs all the fuel out of the carb and stops. But to do that it has to stay in the water deep enough to pump water thru the impeller. While it's running the gas out, I go over the bow to the trailer
, and up to my truck bed. Then I climb out over the left rear tire, walk along the running board, and get into drivers seat. I never touch the water [
]. I go to fish, not wade in the water at the ramp [laugh].
Yep, that works too. Except when there isn't another driver to back the truck up.
I fish about 75% of the time by myself. So I put the trailer in the water to the point I can see the side guides about 10-12 inches out of the water. That keeps boat from floating over the guides, allows me to put the bow right in the bow roller, with enough forward hull on the trailer bunks to keep me from floating backwards while I get the bow strap hooked and cranked tight.
Because my motor is a small tiller outboard, I unhook the fuel connection, and let the motor run until it runs all the fuel out of the carb and stops. But to do that it has to stay in the water deep enough to pump water thru the impeller. While it's running the gas out, I go over the bow to the trailer

"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
Or so it says on my license plate holder
Or so it says on my license plate holder