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Hooked on Utah breaking the law
Reason for my post is according to the two rules below I made an interpolation that there was a lot of personal bashing more than just the illegal act that had occurred, if you disagree take it up with my boss and they'll dock my pay... Later J

[#4040ff]We encourage the free and open discussion of any issue related to fishing, including regulations, tackle, techniques, species, environmental issues, etc. However, whenever someone makes a post that becomes negative and directed at the way mods are performing their duties or is personal attack upon BFT or another member, that post can be moderated or deleted.

[#4040ff]In most cases, moderators will not interfere in good natured ribbing or mild bantering. However, some members are more sensitive than others. Posts that offend any other member may become subject to moderating action…editing or deleting. Members who establish a pattern of frequently and openly challenging, heckling or berating other members will have their posting privileges curtailed. [/#4040ff]

Messages In This Thread
Re: [wormandbobber] Hooked on Utah breaking the law - by Fritzfishin - 08-13-2019, 12:17 PM
Re: [PBH] Hooked on Utah breaking the law - by SkunkedAgain - 08-15-2019, 04:38 PM

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