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Lindon Utah Lake 7/12
Was back in town last week (moved out of state a decade ago), and wanted to show my kids one of my old fishing haunts, relive some memories and get them to experience catching a big channel catfish or two.

Took a canoe out north from the Lindon Marina. Paddled across the small bay north of the dike. Halfway across started trolling a little curly tail jig. My youngest brought in a little white bass, which became bait for the rest of the morning, in addition to the shrimp and worms we brought with us.

Fished the bottom with sliding sinkers above a T-swivel, and attached two hooks, one with shrimp, the other with either white bass meat or a worm.

Each of my boys in the boat caught a nice channel cat, which was a proud dad moment and so fun watching them fight a big fish and have it get to the boat, turn and run again, it was just awesome.

I managed a big cat of my own, and my youngest also pulled in a bullhead on worms. My dad and brother in the second canoe brought in a few channels as well. We anchored up about 50 feet or so from the weedline, and casted to within a few feet of the reeds.

There was a bit of wind that once in awhile pushed us in too close to the reeds, so we had to re-position ourselves a few times. The anchor just dragged in the mud on the bottom.

It was a great morning, too bad I don't get to do that often (no good catfish lakes close to home in WA).

Attaching a couple of pics.

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Lindon Utah Lake 7/12 - by cat_man - 07-15-2019, 10:53 PM

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