07-01-2019, 12:31 PM
"I've been using a 2" peg float santee cooper rig style with a 8/0 team catfish circle hook "
It looks like you and I raided the same racks at Cabela's. I just shared 7/0 Gamakatsu and 8/0 Team Catfish hooks with Pisco; he's making up a mooching rig (double hook) for the really big pieces of white bass. I know he doesn't write much but he might let us know how it works for him []. Boy, those Team Catfish hooks make the Gamakatsus look small and thin by comparison. I think I could tow my pickup with one of those big 8/0s. I did pass on the 12/0s, though. Now maybe if I go somewhere for blues ...
It looks like you and I raided the same racks at Cabela's. I just shared 7/0 Gamakatsu and 8/0 Team Catfish hooks with Pisco; he's making up a mooching rig (double hook) for the really big pieces of white bass. I know he doesn't write much but he might let us know how it works for him []. Boy, those Team Catfish hooks make the Gamakatsus look small and thin by comparison. I think I could tow my pickup with one of those big 8/0s. I did pass on the 12/0s, though. Now maybe if I go somewhere for blues ...
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.