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Utah Res. Contour Maps Help
Online, no ! Utah does not have any waters that the big companies like Navionics want to spend the money on. Best bet is Curtis Sportbert's "Fish-n-maps" which you can get at Sportsman's Warehouse or Fish Tec. Curtis was/is a professional cartographer that worked for oil industry, making topo's for them. He was also a died in a wool fisherman and would get original survey maps from different sources and create maps of impounded waters. He has a pretty good selection of Utah waters, including a Utah Lake map that was taken from a sonar survey of Utah Lake by the Feds. I rummaged through thousands of map sheets at the old US Geological Survey office in Provo, back in the early 80's and got one of the techs to make a copy for me. Curtis borrowed the sheep from me and made his Utah Lake map. I also provided sheets for Starvation, Yuba, and Deer Creek. Again, all his maps are made from original survey's made prior to the impounding of the reservoir. Check them out !!

Messages In This Thread
Utah Res. Contour Maps Help - by ChrisJacobson - 06-26-2019, 07:54 PM
Re: [ChrisJacobson] Utah Res. Contour Maps Help - by Therapist - 06-26-2019, 09:41 PM

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