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Silver Flat Reservoir & Invitation
I'm going to fish Silver Flat Reservoir in American Fork Canyon Saturday. It will be my first time there. I'm looking for links for good maps and current information considering altitude (what is it's altitude?). I'm wondering if I'll be getting to where there is slush or snow and the current road conditions there to know if I should change to one of my different set of wheels for optimum traction.
I have oversize Blizzaks which would be great if it is slush and mud, but I don't know what to expect there. What kinds of roads? Will they be suitable for enjoying off-road driving for high performance or do regulations and perhaps population or traffic there require me to drive slow and I should save that part of the adventure for another destination?


I'll probably fish with a light rod and my spinning reel with 3 pound Nano with trying a variety of light lures and maybe some tiny things that would require a water weighted float for casting. Though fly fishing there might be the way to go, I put all that away years ago and haven't replaced a broken fly rod. I'll get back into fly fishing in the future. I got way into fly tying in a big way, but now my focus is still on the larger lures though it will need to be tiny ones for this reservoir.

Any suggestions for this fishing location on fishing, driving, off-roading, what else to see ... other?

I might bring my Dave Scadden fishing Kayak to try out for the first time.

Invitation: Who wants to join me on this trip? I have extra passenger seats in my vehicle leaving from Sandy early Saturday morning (not TubeDude early -- after sunrise).

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Silver Flat Reservoir & Invitation - by RonPaulFan - 06-14-2019, 11:21 PM

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