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BFT convergence at the Knolls 6-12-19
Another great day on the water. It was good to get to meet and fish with TD. Pa, and FatBiker. The fishing was about as good as it gets for us today. Me and Carsen hauled in some real hogs. We caught several in the 10 to 11 pound range... big football sized bellies but not the length we were looking for. We caught at least 30 cats today and all of them were ready for a fight. White bass and carplettes seemed to work best for us.

It was entertaining to watch the tubers spin incircles as they tried to keep up with a big cat. We laughed at TD spinning around and were pretty sure he would be dizzy, but then he always looks dizzy.

No white bass today. Last week when I was there a midge hatch was on and the wb were surface slurping everywhere. I dropped a RCK in them and caught 10 whites on 12 casts... losing two at the boat on two of the casts. Was hoping to see a similar hatch today but not so. All of the whites were small six inchers, perfect for bait.

Fun day, good company, beautiful weather, and lots of cats.


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Re: [TubeDude] BFT convergence at the Knolls 6-12-19 - by Boatloadakids - 06-12-2019, 09:28 PM

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