09-08-2018, 11:22 AM
Nice snook Mike! Now Troll forgot to warn you there are saltwater crocs in South Florida. Rare to make it that far north. Only occasionally seen above the Everglades but not impossible. All the ones I’ve encountered have been from Flamingo to 10,000 Islands. While Crocodiles and alligators can be unnerving the are incredibly limited in their response to their surroundings. Give them respect, obviously don’t feed them and forget about wading in fresh or brackish water. I’ve been within 10 feet of thousands of alligators and they have never been the least bit interested in me. Lightening is far more of a risk to fishermen in Florida so keep that in mind every day especially in the Summer.
I’ve had days when tarpons are feeding everywhere and I couldn’t manage a single strike. I’ve never actually gone to fish for tarpon it’s just that they were there. Maybe carry a few tarpon toad flies with you just in case. A lot of new challenges with fishing down there. Enjoy it!
I’ve had days when tarpons are feeding everywhere and I couldn’t manage a single strike. I’ve never actually gone to fish for tarpon it’s just that they were there. Maybe carry a few tarpon toad flies with you just in case. A lot of new challenges with fishing down there. Enjoy it!