03-31-2002, 10:59 PM
The bunny is gone. But the memorys will last forever! After we ate the three of us headed to the pond, a little chilly but dry. I got the zebco 202 baited up and handed it to my granddaughter and started to set up the little bambo for her little brother. Before I finnished I had to stop three times to unhook bluegills. finaly gave Bubby his pole and started removing the forth gill when I had to stop and catch Bubby before he went in the drink. His first time to fish and he got hooked into a 3 1/2lb yellow belly cat that just about pulled him in. We had a blast today and I have davetclown to thank.<br>When it started to drizzle we called it a day.<br>In three hours we ( the grandchildren that is) landed 43 gills, 1--3 1/2lb cat and one small mouth around 1lb. Not bad on 8 small crallers. The cat is in the freezer and all the others are back in the pond.<br>Thanks Dave for the advice. The first time I have been out this year, and probly will be the best day I will have this year. The memorys from this day will last forever.<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher.