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Goat Packers / Tips
So just an update to my goating adventure... Got my equipment, the cross bucks and one set of packs (pantiers) plus all the related hardware and have been working the boys out on short field hikes, but hoping to get to the hills this summer... They really grew and are close to 200 lbs for the big boy, so I'm thinking I'll start them this summer, rather than waiting until they are four... I'll have them packing light weight loads... My pontoon is about 12 lbs, so I'll have to balance the load on the other side to put 24 lbs on my strongest goat this year and everything else will be lighter than that. They seem to be great buds and like to hang with me, I'm really liking the goat idea... Biggest fear is what to do if the bears, wolves, or cougars want goat for dinner when I get in the back country...hope I don't find out... Expect I'll protect them like family. Can't wait to have my float tube with gear in those high lakes... Should be a fun time... I do like the idea of goats much better than the ponies... The horses were so much work to take care of when we were there, that we didn't get to enjoy the trip... Hope the goats won't be like that... I've heard they aren't so I hope that is true... Well more later after we get a trip under our belts... Later J

Messages In This Thread
Goat Packers / Tips - by SkunkedAgain - 08-08-2016, 04:36 PM
Re: [idahoron] Goat Packers / Tips - by idahoron - 08-09-2016, 02:51 AM
Re: [SkunkedAgain] Goat Packers / Tips - by SkunkedAgain - 05-16-2018, 06:16 PM

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