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Trespassing Law up for votes- bad news
[quote Fish-Offender] This bill is a direct frontal assault on all people who enjoy the outdoors by the wealthy few who want to lock everyone out of what is ours.[/quote]

I’m not sure I understand that statement. Are you referring to public ground, which I don’t think the trespassing laws preclude you from access, or are you thinking you’re entitled to access on private property (and the wealthy few are attempting to stop you)? What exactly is “ours”?

So you know .....I’m a sportsman, but also a landowner with land which is desirable for fishing and hunting. I spend way too much time dealing with the entitled mentality who don’t bother to ask or understand where they are....after they go through a gate or cut a fence to get there. I get tired of the answers I get when I confront someone trespassing. I try to be nice when I ask em if they know they’re trespassing, but these answers will get you run off, ticketed or arrested.

- “it’s ok, I know the owner and he lets me hunt here, but you better go”

- “ I have the right to be here”. (One of my favs)

- “ it’s alright, why are you being an a hole?

- “ I’m just cutting across here to get to the public ground”

And more that defy logic.

Do I agree with the current bill? No, but I do want trespassing laws which when enforced send a message to the idiots who respect nothing and expect everything for nothing. The only person who asked permission last year came to my house asked who owned the field with all the deer. When I said I did and did not allow hunting he pleaded with me (and offered to pay) to let him drive out into the field so his daughter could roll down the window of his pu and shoot one out the window. I thought he was kidding.

I’m sure my viewpoint is likely not popular here, but I respect your viewpoint (from the funding and accidental trespassing perspective), so I ask you try to see it from the landowners perspective.

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Re: [Fish-Offender] Trespassing Law up for votes- bad news - by MackayGuy - 03-17-2018, 06:33 PM

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