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Greenhorn need advice in Upper Snake Region
i was right below the dam if i climbed the rocks i could have touched the dam. on the east side of the dam there is a road and its a dead end but there is a sportsman's access there (not a sign though) like a civil engineers access i think is what it is called and a gate i just walked down the hill and there was a small island almost that you cross over to from a bridge and the island had a picnic table and such and i just fished the south end of the island. you can also go to the boat dock just below the main road and i have had luck there just bouncing a worm on the bottom there with three split shots or so.. in the current the 16 incher's feel like 5 pounder's haha its a lot of fun. the only down side is that there are like fifty fishing guides that will sit and judge you and sometimes will sit there and watch you for an hour. one even told me i was illegally fishing, but i shoved the regulations down his throat and proved him wrong though and it made my day. and also the guides don't show up tell around 11 or so but when they do they come in numbers.

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Re: [IdahoGreenhorn] Greenhorn need advice in Upper Snake Region - by mattdog231155 - 06-20-2017, 02:41 AM

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