02-06-2004, 07:10 PM
Hey... I never had a bad time on A Davy's boat. Alot of the times there is a bunch of regulars on the trips. I went out about 5 years ago on a regular basis. The only draw back was the parking, it added a few bucks to the days trip. You have to park at the beach pier parking or the parking garage. Adding about $8.00 to the day. Then there's the summer tourist traffic. Like one guy responded, you have to let them know whats up. Not only as a angler but as a team fishing together on the boat. Others have always yelled out (fish on !!) or we got color. ect!!! To alert the deck hand. Now as I see you went out in November. Kinda late in the season. Much of the action has died down. Maybe thats another reason for the lack of attention. As far as Long Beach ... oh brother!!! I'll never go out of the Pico Exit landng. One trip with a bunch of crazy guys tossing the iron with no regard on whos behind them. Another trip had a few stealing fish from your sack...
The Capt gave us a comp. day trip to come back. Never again!! We all have our favorite landings. I tried 22nd st., Redondo sports fishing, Newport landing and a few others. All good charters. Better luck next time. I can't wait to get back to fishing here. We just moved back from Sacramento. Ready to hook up!!!