02-12-2017, 02:25 AM
Bob, precisely my point. The cleaning station still isn't fixed after a bunch of folks led by you (thank you) brought it to their attention. They made promises, but never followed through and solved the problem. Why would anybody believe they will manage the federal lands appropriately when they can't even fix a fish cleaning station at one of their most popular state parks? As far as Town Hall meetings, in the past you were right. At this one, young Jason seemed astounded at the reception he received, especially when we started chanting, "Do you job." The little fella has to stand for reelection in two years. Might not be as easy as past elections. I'll give credit where credit is due. The left learned a lesson from the Tea Party activists in 2008 and 2009. Hopefully, we can keep some momentum going and make some well needed change on both sides of the aisle.