01-26-2017, 06:37 PM
Well you need to know that the silent majority VOTED this last election. And while President Trump is far from perfect, he was a clear choice for sanity compared to Clinton. You wanna fight and you will get one! I will fight for states rights, for multiple use of federal lands, for less government over-reach, for local control in schools, for the 2nd amendment, against killing babies, against illegal aliens, and a myriad of other issues confronting America today thanks to 8 years of corruption and ineptitude! You keep talking about fighting for what's right. But your version of RIGHT completely is opposite of my version of what's right! And mine comes from GENERATIONS OF LAND STEWARDSHIP, OWNING AN ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING BUSINESS, RAISING A FAMILY AND SERVING MY COMMUNITY AS A FIREFIGHTER/FIRST RESPONDER/ TOWN COUNCIL MEMBER/ CATTLEMENS ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT.
Yours apparently comes from a text book, the media and the internet!
FishingLunatic, I truly admire your passion. But passion without true experience and seeing the entire picture is a great way to find a guy blown by whichever wind happens to blow the hardest. WE ALL WANT TO PROTECT OUR WILD PLACES AND SPIECIES. And some of us want to feed our families while doing that. Liberals are burning entire forests to the ground rather than log one tree! Liberals are screaming about human rights for refugees while proudly aborting babies who have no voice or way to protect themselves! Liberals are killing mustangs through starvation and mis-management in order to keep an oil well from being drilled! Liberals praise Bears Ears for saving the land while giving away 109000 acres of state land contained within the new park borders! Liberals want guns banned and then scream for a cop to bring his gun to save them from a crime! (The same liberals who then march against police brutality) The hypocrisy is maddening and a lot of us voted to see if President Trump can change it! That remains to be seen! But atleast he isn't a Washington DC insider and part of the corrupt system. He may fall flat on his face? Or he may start restoring some of the things many, many folks want back in OUR country! I still extend my invitation for you to visit my ranching operation. I will show you where my livelihood has made a positive benefit for wildlife and cattle alike. I will show you where federal mismanagement has ruined entire ecosystems. I will show you the love I have for the desert and its remoteness and its peace. I invite any of the rest of ya'll to come spend a day walking in my boots and will do my very best to explain my connection to the land. The Sierra Club says I need to be exterminated! The Western Watersheds Project wants me to be extinct! PETA prays for my demise! I may not sway you completely but am wagering I can get you to see a little farther than a textbook.
Yours apparently comes from a text book, the media and the internet!
FishingLunatic, I truly admire your passion. But passion without true experience and seeing the entire picture is a great way to find a guy blown by whichever wind happens to blow the hardest. WE ALL WANT TO PROTECT OUR WILD PLACES AND SPIECIES. And some of us want to feed our families while doing that. Liberals are burning entire forests to the ground rather than log one tree! Liberals are screaming about human rights for refugees while proudly aborting babies who have no voice or way to protect themselves! Liberals are killing mustangs through starvation and mis-management in order to keep an oil well from being drilled! Liberals praise Bears Ears for saving the land while giving away 109000 acres of state land contained within the new park borders! Liberals want guns banned and then scream for a cop to bring his gun to save them from a crime! (The same liberals who then march against police brutality) The hypocrisy is maddening and a lot of us voted to see if President Trump can change it! That remains to be seen! But atleast he isn't a Washington DC insider and part of the corrupt system. He may fall flat on his face? Or he may start restoring some of the things many, many folks want back in OUR country! I still extend my invitation for you to visit my ranching operation. I will show you where my livelihood has made a positive benefit for wildlife and cattle alike. I will show you where federal mismanagement has ruined entire ecosystems. I will show you the love I have for the desert and its remoteness and its peace. I invite any of the rest of ya'll to come spend a day walking in my boots and will do my very best to explain my connection to the land. The Sierra Club says I need to be exterminated! The Western Watersheds Project wants me to be extinct! PETA prays for my demise! I may not sway you completely but am wagering I can get you to see a little farther than a textbook.