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Has anyone ever camped/fished Lake Canyon Lake, in Duchesne County, trying to complete the slam and have never fished that area, but apparently it is a place to get the Colorado River Cut? Also, on the way to the lake, you pass Lower lake, any cutthroats there? And one last question, on the dwr's page it says the inlet area to Lake Canyon Lake is closed to fishing any idea if the rest of the inlet tributary or outlet are also closed? Thanks
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There is no tributary, it is spring fed. I'm not sure about the rules as I steer clear during the spawn. The road leading up to it is all private and same with the lower lake. This lake can either skunk you or give you great success but it's often a toss up as to which you'll get. I'd imagine it's slow right now with all the heat.
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My moms boyfriend took us to property in the mountain above that canyon over memorial. I fly fished it with buggers and streamers for about three hours before a storm came in and I had no action. But I did see a guy catch a nice big tiger trout about 40 yards away from me. But only saw the one caught the whole time I was there and the guy was with two buddies. I want to go back with my float tube and have a go at it.
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I agree with mousehatch. That lake is or can be so hard to fish most of the time I don't go there anymore.
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Loved the place when it had big brook trout and rainbows. Once the DWR put the Tigers and cutts in and killed off the brookies, the place is of zero interest to me. Tiger trout suck!!
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As mentioned in previous posts, Lake Canyon Lake is often slow for catching. If you're coming from the Wasatch Front, I would recommend fishing Current Creek Reservoir and tributaries for Colorado River cutts. There are two lower lakes up Lake Canyon and they are private property. There is a small inlet on the south end of the lake but it doesn't provide much stream flow or habitat for fish except during the spawn. I believe it is closed primarily to protect spawning cutthroat trout.
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Thanks for all the info. Ended up going there this last weekend and caught around 10 cutthroat and a few tigers! Two down, two to go!