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Catching Big Fish
I was fishing Strawberry recently from my float tube and I was talking with my buddies about catching big fish. I am no expert, I have caught big fish before, for me a big fish is 24" or bigger. We were catching a ton of really nice fish that day, mostly 17"-20" which are great fish, but we were wondering what our chances were of catching a big fish, and what we could do to improve our odds. I think to catch a big fish you increase your odds if you fish somewhere that is known for big fish. But beyond that how do you increase your odds? What habits do big fish have that average fish don't? Should I use more large minnow imitations? Fish in different areas of a body of water than the ones that hold lots of average fish? Any ideas?
All the big fish I have caught have been among the smaller. Just right place at the right time. Smaller flies as well.
Fishing big stuff can also help. It makes it so you only catch the big ones. I was fishing a 5 inch game changer in rainbow trout colors that I tied and caught one that was 23". But I also caught 16" fish on it so the right place and right time thing is accurate.
Maybe a good book to read, Landon Mayer catches HUGE fish.
Good suggestion. Landon is as real and humble as they come.
I don't buy into the Big fly means Big fish when it comes to the trout around here though. Right place at the right time, maybe.[Smile]

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