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New Creek Fishing Flyrod
I have been fishing a creek by my house for years. I have been useing spinning rods, even cast nets to take fish. The creek is about 2 feet deeb at its deapest and is about 10 yards wide at its widest. The current is generally slow with some small ridles occaionally. There are largemouth and spotted bass, bluegill, redbreast, and bullhead. I will mostly be using dry flies, but I will probably use nymphs and streamers as well. I have caught foot long bass in here before. So.... what wt. fly rod should I get I was leaning towards a 3 but Im not sure.
[#005000]I would be inclined to go with a 9' 5wt rod. It is an all around rod that would come in handy fishing other waters as well. [/#005000]

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