02-20-2014, 01:59 AM
Kanderson, great setup! I like that front seat. Does it cause any issues being up so high?
Need New Powered 'Toon
02-20-2014, 01:59 AM
Kanderson, great setup! I like that front seat. Does it cause any issues being up so high?
02-20-2014, 04:38 AM
When strapped down, the seat is rock solid. My wife loves being up that high as she can spot rising trout and site cast to them. I was a little nervous about floating the Green with her sitting higher, but the gap in the floor dissipates much of the wave's energy so the Assault eats rapids and the seat is centered with no bucking.
This is us hooking up with double prizes (FG took this photo). [inline "Double Prizes at Strawberry.jpg"] [signature]
02-20-2014, 11:43 AM
I might add, that day was brutal windy too. This seat idea is a wise choice and a brilliant idea.
02-21-2014, 05:01 PM
Well, the assault arrived today..looks like it had a muddy last trip, but im not going to complain considering what I paid for it! Seems to be pretty sturdy material! (not sure about the oars though). The problem was, it came with a pump, but I was unable to inflate it as there was no adaptor. I custom made one with an old adaptor I had and was able to pump it up about 80% so I can inspect and clean it.
What type of adaptor do I need? Also, im not to sure how the side bags go on? [signature]
02-21-2014, 06:34 PM
Get some 303 Protectant, not Armoral. Walmart carries it. Clean the toon with it periodically during the year and remember to hose and soap down the toon after every trip,
As for the Pump, the adapter is a piece of hose that fits into the valve. Call NFO and I bet they would send you one. There is also K-Pumps. The beveled blue cap fits perfect into valve and no adapter needed. The 100 is single action and great for topping off, the 200 is double action and the only pump you would need. Be sure to top off at 3 to 4 lbs. Assuming you have the older Bravo Valves, they are a push once to open, push again to close. Fill in the open setting then close and top off. Bags. There are 2 D rings on the inside next to seat and the outside on both sides of toon. Thread the straps through them. Mesh pocket on the inside as this is also the rod holder. ![]() ![]() Welcome to the OUTLAWS! [signature]
02-21-2014, 06:46 PM
Thanks, FG.
I think I have the seats and bags figured out now. I have a clear plastic tube that fits, but the problem I have to inflate it with the valve open. By the time I remove the pump and close the valve I lose a lot of air? [signature]
02-21-2014, 06:55 PM
Try pumping in the closed position. It is hard but can be done. The bad thing about the pumps with the hose is you have to insert the hose tight for hands free pumping. The K-Pump you just hold up to the valve so easy to close quick.
Give that a try and report back, please. [signature]
02-21-2014, 10:39 PM
Hi FG.
When I tried in the closed position, the plastic tube would just pop out. Maybe duct tape might work. Is there no valve adapter I could purchase? That would make life easy -- But I have several valve adapters but none seem to fit ![]() [signature]
02-21-2014, 11:13 PM
These are Bravos. No adapter. In fact when Dave used Halkey Roberts, he used the same piece of hose on his pumps. The hose fits tight in the valve and on the end of the pump hose. Call and ask them what size of hose to use, I am sure you could get it at any hardware store.
Try the tape or have someone hold the hose for now. I wish I could help you more on this. [signature]
02-22-2014, 06:37 PM
This place seems to have a large variety of adapters, you might look around to see if one matches up:
http://shop.inflatableboatparts.com/prod...=22&page=2 Pon [quote atvaholic]Hi FG. When I tried in the closed position, the plastic tube would just pop out. Maybe duct tape might work. Is there no valve adapter I could purchase? That would make life easy -- But I have several valve adapters but none seem to fit ![]() [signature]
02-22-2014, 08:26 PM
The previous owner "thinks" its a Halkey-Roberts valve. Does this sound right?
02-22-2014, 09:53 PM
Click on the 3rd picture, and compare with what you have:
http://shop.inflatableboatparts.com/home.php?cat=22 You can probably get a Halkey adapter for less somewhere else if you do a web search. Pon [quote atvaholic]The previous owner "thinks" its a Halkey-Roberts valve. Does this sound right?[/quote] [signature]
02-22-2014, 09:54 PM
I had these same difficulties first time I inflated mine.
Open valve by pushing on button in center of valve. Each time you push, it goes to either open or closed, so make sure it is in open position. Use shop vac with 1.25 inch hose adaptor, reverse hose so it blows rather than sucks ([blush]), place hose adaptor completely over valve and hard enough to seal, and it should easily inflate to 80% of pressure. Trick is to quickly remove vac hose and push on valve button so it closes. If you do it right, minimal air escapes. With valve closed (but not sealed with screw-on cap) use K-Pump or Coleman pump to bring up to 3-4 lbs pressure (toon should be hard, but will deflect a bit when pushed with thumb). The adaptor is a standard 5/8ths vehicle heater hose (see photo). Once you get how valve works, it only takes a few minutes to inflate. P.S. - Just notice FG likewise explained how valves work. Hopefully adaptor hose info is useful. [inline K-pump.jpg] [signature]
02-22-2014, 10:11 PM
[quote atvaholic]Seems to be pretty sturdy material! (not sure about the oars though).[/quote]
I used the aluminum oars for first year -- no problems. You'll spend most of the time "finning" your boat around. Oars are mainly for getting out and back. If you really get into it, the carbon fiber oars are super light and great for lakes and the Power Stroke oars are heavy duty and great for river running. I love to row, so I got both (found Power Stroke oars on eBay for $150). [signature]
02-23-2014, 12:07 AM
[quote atvaholic]The previous owner "thinks" its a Halkey-Roberts valve. Does this sound right?[/quote]
Doubtful that they are Halkey Roberts. But, if per chance, then you push in on the center button and twist clockwise to open. Reverse to close. And as in the picture Pontoonman posted. The center will be Yellow and sort of star shaped. I have the Halkey on my X5 and they are easy to pump in the closed position. I am sure your problem just stems from not having a piece of hose that not only fits very snug IN the valve but also snug on the end of the pump. Next question...What Pump are you using? [signature]
02-23-2014, 12:10 AM
There you go, says Bravo, should work.[
![]() [signature]
02-23-2014, 03:47 AM
Thanks for all the replies.
For the quick inflation I am using this: http://www.google.ca/imgres?hl=en&biw=12...=0&ndsp=18 That gets it filled quick, but them I lose air when removing the air tube and closing the valve. So then i try with this: http://i.walmartimages.com/i/p/00/73/78/...00X500.jpg That's when the tube pops out. I will try to test it with tape to see if that helps. (it seems to come out at the pump). The center is star shaped, but I looked at some pictures of hakley vs bravo valves on google and they look the same to me. [signature]
02-23-2014, 04:14 AM
Okay, here is Halkey Roberts. The center is yellow post and ruff. You push in and twist to open. Push in and twist opposite to close.
[url "http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Halkey-Roberts+valves&id=48250B039FC4C7EAEB320D0C6345CEAD08D1C774&FORM=IQFRBA"]http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Halkey-Roberts+valves&id=48250B039FC4C7EAEB320D0C6345CEAD08D1C774&FORM=IQFRBA[/url] This should be the valve you have though the center button might not be red. It is a push once "open", push once "Close'. Note, the middle LOOKS like a button. [url "http://shop.inflatableboatparts.com/product.php?productid=1&cat=22&page=1"]http://shop.inflatableboatparts.com/product.php?productid=1&cat=22&page=1[/url] Either of those pumps should work. Attach the piece of hose to the largest adapter, and squeeze it into the valve. It should be a very tight fit. We use an LVM to pump our boats up fast and in the open position. We quickly close them then top them off with a hand pump. You need that little piece of hose as it is the right size. [signature]
02-23-2014, 04:34 AM
Make it easy for all of us and take some pictures of the valve and post them.
02-24-2014, 02:03 AM
Not sure if you can tell from this picture. If not I will take it out and take a close up tomorrow:
http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NDgwWDY0MA==/z...36;_12.JPG [signature] |
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