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CA Tubing Father & Son
[cool] Hey anglers, I just wanted to let you know the results of the Trout and Float Tube Derby at Hansen Lake on Dec 6th.

They planted @1200 lbs of fish for the Derby. 500lbs of that were 2lbs or over. 20 of those fish were 5lbs+.

There were a total of 60 Tubers out there including TubeNtoo and myself. The Derby only ran from 7:00 am to 11:00 am but that didn't stop TubeNtoo from getting a limit by 10:00. Unfortunately, it did stop me.

I was having more fun with my RPG launcher and watching the other tubers. I was also trying to adjust my Satellite dish for better reception while the fishing was slow. (I'm trying to think of another excuse for not catching my limit).

Anyway, TubeNtoo took 4th place in the event for the 12-15 yr old age group. 1st place went to a 12yr old girl with a 1 1/2lb trout. 1st place in the 16 and over group went to a man who caught a 5.2lb.

We left that Derby to go and whack some Tilapia at another park. Score.......fisherman 2------Tilapia 61. That's all the takers that we had before we ran out of bait.
[cool][size 2]Congrats to the kid for his placing in the derby. Don't know if the excuses for the old man are acceptable. Why doncha just use the old conservation excuses...long line releases and all that. Works for me.[/size]

[size 2]"Better to have fished and lost, than never to have fished at all."[/size]
Hello Tubn2,

Congratulations! Sounds like it was a blast!

TheAngler BFT Moderator
Founder of Elite SEO Consulting
Hey there theangler, The funnest part of it all was watching the faces of the bank fishermen that weren't allowed to fish until around 11:00 am. They were just watching with thier mouths open as most of the 60 tubers were hauling in good size 'bows. Of course they couldn't compare to some of those that come out of SARL or Corona but everyone had good time.

TubeNtoo had the time of his life. Just 3 weeks ago he caught his first trout. Now he has caught his first ever limit. He is one happy camper and of course I am a proud papa to have such a good student. I'm sure that TubeDude is just as proud that we are keeping up the good family vaules.

Hey there TubeN2,

Congrats on having a 'chip off the old block' do what the ol' block was too busy to do!!! ha ha ha Only joking be assured!

Seriously, musta been tough fishing. Good job on keeping the 'Tube' family honor there TubeNtoo.

Was it lure or bait that did the trick?

Tilapia should be caught with the fly rod. I say that only because I'm jealous!


RPG's ya..... I remember those.
With the Trout at Hansen Lake, most were using power bait. Only the flyswatters caught the bigger fish in deeper waters. They were using an Olive Wooly Bugger. Others were using castmasters and catching good size ones. My little tubing buddy was using the old faithfull. Garlic 'crawlers.

The tilapia we were catching were at Balboa Lake. I have caught them before on flies but only in the morning or evening hours. Other than that the little buggers hit on crawlers and even sliced turkey lunch meat.

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