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Failed deer hunt
Didn't see one legal deer during the one morning hunt my son and I got to do. had to bail early because of #*%$!! truck problems. really wierd there were so few deer in the spots I usually hunt- only a dozen fawns and does, where most years I'd see three time that many with a bunch of forkies and an occaisional monster thrown in. Plenty of water where I was at, so that wasn't it.
We did see the little fella and his buddy in the video. They looked kinda lonely, but we saw the little herd at the end of the video about two miles away, so I think they'll be ok.

[url ""]Video
wow! you going to go after that guy? i woulnt be able to get that bull out of my head i would have to hunt him in september. are you going to make it back out for deer?
Unfortunately I didn't draw the bull tag for that unit- it's one of those "your're better off playing the lottery" one in a million tags, of course.

We'll get back out once I get my new tranny installed and paid off- but now I'm paranoid of my truck marooning me out in the sticks.

My son drew the early archery buck hunt for this unit; I can only shoot a forkie or smaller once the general season opens, but he can hunt his monster up until the end of september, so hopefully we'll get back up there. I alsohave an antelope tage for the unit that opens september 10th- but we didn't see any pronghorn either, so I'm a little worried about the spot. It does seem to have a few elk in it though.
wow...nice elk! cool video thanks for sharing!
nice bull Keep at it I've seen two big bucks that have come out of that hunt this year.
Nice bull. Wish I could find something close to that.

Hard to believe you say you had a failed deer hunt after a couple hours of hunting. You can't go out and drop an animal in just a few hours every time. Sometimes you have to put your time in. I have been elk and antelope hunting now for 8 days and nothing yet, but I am not saying it is a failed hunt. Get back out there and put some miles on your boots, not just your tires and you will be rewarded.
I'm not feeling that bad about the hunt, prvt- just about my truck going south on the first day of what was going to be a week long hunt.. had a great hunt with the boy for that short morning. but nonrtheless failed to spot a legal deer. pretty sucessful elk scouting if i can ever draw that tag, though! i know where some bucks be hiding, but it will be a while before we can get back out there. that's kinda frustrating.
That makes a little more sense. Having your truck break down on the first day of a long hunt would be a PITA. Wish you good luck on your next attempt with the truck and hunting.
did a little better today. got Jesse into a few decent bucks. He had one he though about taking a poke at, but decided the shot was just a little further than he wanted to take at an animal. and my new tranny did'nt break, so that was a bonus.
good to hear. get after them.

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