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2011 BFT Deer hunting contest official rules.
1. Every contestant is responsible to obtain the proper idaho hunting licences and tags that are required by idaho state law to harvest deer.

2. Every deer killed by a team member is worth 5 points, buck or doe. with an extra point awarded for every point on the antlers of a buck exceeding 1 inch. (so if a team mate has an extra doe tag he could potentially get 5 points for a doe and 5 points for a buck plus the extra points for the points on the bucks rack or a teammate could kill two does for a total of 10 points [if the teammates tags permit]).

3. To submit a deer a contestant will have to submit a picture of themselves with the deer. this means the contestant in the picture with the deer. the picture must include the deer body so that no mounts can be entered into the contest. a date on a piece of paper with 2011 written on it must be visible in the picture. bold enough to see in the picture. (so that no deer harvested from the previous years can be submitted.)

4. the team with the most points at the end of the season in Idaho wins!!!!

Prize: the prize for the contest is a surprise.

Disclaimer: this contest is in no way affiliated with
Thanks for reposting the rules.
wack em and stack em
BigFishTackle.Comis adding a $25 gift certificate to WaveFishing.Com to this contest.

Good Luck All, Looking forward to checking out the pics!

TheAngler BFT Moderator
Founder of Elite SEO Consulting
Thanks angler thats awesome!

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