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Utah should ban all bait completely where they have slot limits
guideman -- you're still failing to acknowledge that sometimes mortality is a good thing - whether fish are kept of not. In some of our special regulation waters (Kolob has been mentioned already) harvest of fish is so low that bait regulations are allowed simply so that fish mortality is increased. Regardless of whether or not the fish are kept or let go, bait fishing can help with fish mortality where harvest may not be high enough. Think Middle Provo River. This section was previously artificial flies and lures only with restrictive harvest regulations. Why? Nobody kept fish at all, no matter what the regulations. So, bait fishing was allowed with the whole idea being that some mortality was needed -- whether the fish were kept or not, some fish needed to die!

As for Strawberry -- plenty of comments have already been made stating the the current regulations must be working, because there are plenty of large fish for the angling hoards. Don't fix what ain't broke.

So I guess the big question here is: Which lakes with slot limits that allow bait fishing have a problem with too high mortality rate of those slot fish? I can't think of any.

On the other hand, maybe a lake like Paragonah Reservoir (a reservoir with a self-sustaining population of wild rainbow trout) could use a regulation change that allows ONLY bait fishing with trebble hooks? There are plain too many fish in that lake, and higher mortality (whether or not anglers keep the fish makes no difference) could actually improve the average size of fish in that lake.
[fishin] I agree with the banning of bait where there a slot limit. I've seen so many slot fish at Strawberry floating dead. Not any under or over the slot. I agree that a family needs to be able to take their kids and let them throw out a worm or power bait and take the catch home. That's how we learned to fish as a kid. There are plenty of those kind of waters available to do that. There is a BIG reason for the slot. Chubs. And it is working in the berry. I think the F & G should plant pleanty of fish in those bait waters. I really don't like to take my grandkids where there is a slot. They never get to take home a fish. I think the slot is great but with bait there is such a mortality rate. GOOD AND BAD. That's fishing. Go figure.
[quote GUIDEMAN]Don I can take it, so bring it on ! But every thing I said about bait fishing at slot limit lakes is true.


And everything I have said about you is true. You intentionally kill multiple 20-30 year old wild trophy class fish every day you are out trolling, and yet you have the audacity to complain about bait fishermen accidentally killing hatchery trout?

The fish you kill will not be replaced in your lifetime or mine, and yet you think that's okay. You and others who kill multiple trophy lake trout from the Gorge are the reason those big fish are disappearing, and yet you do nothing to try to help, just continue your decimation of the resource.

Sorry, Steve, but you have forfeited any credibility on fishery conservation issues.
You know it's Sad when people lie just to make a point! My name is Steven Davis and I’m a guide at Flaming Gorge. It is not easy becoming a guide there because you can't start guiding just because you can catch a lot of fish! Federal law requires all persons that take people in motorized boats for money to have a US Coast Guard Captains license and then on Flaming Gorge you must have a Forest service Permit. The problem is the Forest Service only gave out 6 of these permits, so no person can guide on the lake without one. Each permit can have up to three Guides under it. So when I wanted to start guiding I had to make a deal with one of the permit holders. One of the things that I agreed to was to let my customers decide if they would keep legally caught fish or not. Yes, it is true that on my boat I let my clients decide weather or not to keep their legal fish. It is a lie that I make people keep their fish . I know a lot of you hardcore Mac guys will be screaming bloody murder when I take some 85 year old Grandfather and his 8 year old grandson and they catch the biggest fish of their life and want to keep the fish. You can post your hate speech and lies about me, but every time you do I get 20 more booked trips.

THANKS Capt. Steven Davis
It's no lie, Steve, and you know it. And I know you guide under the Lucerne Marina permit. Either you or Lucerne Marina could choose to adopt a C&R policy for trophy lake trout like the reputable guides do, but you have chosen not to. As a consequence, the trophy lake trout population is being slaughtered, and you guys shoulder a big share of the blame. You know that, too, but you'll never admit it.

As a result, I will never spend a nickle at Lucerne Marina and I urge all I know to boycott them as well.

I've seen you and your clients, and what you do with the big fish you winch aboard. I know exactly what you're about and so do all the other serious lake trout guys.

You may fool some of these folks, but we're not among them.
Please use PM's to continue this discussion as you both have stated your points and now it is down to personal attacks.

Thanks And Happy Fishing

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